3 Signs That You’re On The Right Path

Are you your most authentic self?

Joey I.
3 min readFeb 3, 2021
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Sometimes we wake up feeling like we want to go right back to sleep. We force ourselves out of bed, brush our teeth, drag our clothes over our lifeless bodies and set off to start our day.

This is one of the many signs that we are forcing a life on ourselves that may not quench our inner thirst for living on purpose. As human beings with spiritual needs along with our physical needs like money, we sometimes find ourselves putting the former to the side to make room for the latter.

This isn’t always the most effective route and it can leave us feeling tired and burnt out in the long run.

When you start balancing the two, you are able to leverage your strengths and the things you love to do, to become successful whilst being able to provide the most value possible both to yourself and those you interact with.

Here are the three signs that you are on this path and on your way to becoming your most authentic self.

You Start your day excited

You go to sleep feeling fulfilled and wake up ready to start your day, you don’t worry about the snooze button and often times are happy to wake up to the sound of your alarm or on your own accord.

Once you do wake up, you don’t feel like you’re on autopilot, doing things one after the other autonomously without any feeling.

Instead you do everything with a sense of purpose. You stretch out your mind, solve problems and achieve small wins throughout the day. You may not achieve everything all at once but every step you take towards your goal makes you feel a little better each time.

By the time you get to sleep you feel fulfilled and excited to do it all over again the next day. You don’t know what to expect of your day when you wake up but you know its going to take you somewhere, so you get up ready to go.

You are rooted in the present moment

You never spend too long living in the past or dreaming about an ideal future. Life in the present moment is perfect and you focus on maintaining this equilibrium whilst feeling your desires in the present. You understand that time is a man made construct and that only the present exists.

Depression is rooted in past experiences and anxiety is rooted in the future. When you live in the present all that matters is what you are doing and where you are on your way to going. You’re not working because you want something, you are doing it out of the joy and passion you have for it. The rewards chase you.

Everything falls in place

Coincidences start appearing in your life more and more often. you start following your gut and it takes you to massive opportunities. The things that you always dreamed of don’t seem like dreams anymore. They are tangible goals that you can reach. Everything that happens around you has a message and everywhere you go, you see opportunity.

Everyone has intuition, although a lot of people ignore it or put it to the side. It’s like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Your brain is not just in your head, it has nerves that branch out through your body. Sometimes your brain can speak to you through feelings, in your stomach or your chest.

These feelings will always take you towards your authentic self and the more you follow them the closer you will get.


The path to authenticity is not about an end goal or a future ideal. It is about becoming closer and closer to yourself, moment by moment. The message is not in the destination but it is along the route. There is no final step or last hurdle, it is an ever evolving journey that will take you through many different doors. Your intuition and your visions of your future will guide you and help you manifest as you go along the path to authenticity.

